Sunday, March 14, 2010

Guide to Contracting Ordinances in Other Municipalities

As preparation to the upcoming Ordinance & Resolution Committee meeting on Wednesday March 24th at 6:30PM, the following are some muncicipalities in Bergen County that have passed a version of the Model Ordinance supplied by the nonpartisan group Citizen's Campaign:

Fair Lawn;
Hasbrouck Heights;
Saddle River.

With so many examples and predecessors, writing an ordinance that suits Dumont and incorporates lessons learned should be easy, right?

Now that you have access to legislation enacted by our neighbors in the county, see for yourself whether it makes sense to take as long as they are in getting a draft ready for review.

Certainly there is no lack of expertise as we have an attorney and experts in financial operations and construction management on board.

We are looking to your leadership, Mr. Stylianou.