I read the Aug. 20 Page 3 article "Borough Announces New Web Site" with interest.
Quoting our mayor: "The fact that our Web site now ends in ‘.gov’ makes it obvious to members of the public which one of the many Dumont-related Web sites in existence is actually the borough’s official site." While I applaud the mayor’s initiative, I was wondering whether such confusion may be the borough’s own doing.
Specifically, were the following Web sites at one time official: http://www.dumont.us/, http://www.dumontboro.org/ and http://www.dumontborough.org/? When I log on to the latter site, I read "Official Web Site of the Borough of Dumont, New Jersey." Is this no longer so?
How much money has this cost the borough and how much is the borough paying now to have this online work performed?
Perhaps to other residents it seems clear; however, I remain confused.
Kai Chen
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